Johnson's Bathtime Essentials Gift Set Style: Bathtime Essentials (Baby/Babe/Infant - Little ones) de Johnson's Baby

Johnson's Bathtime Essentials Gift Set Style: Bathtime Essentials (Baby/Babe/Infant - Little ones) de Johnson's Baby
Johnson's Bathtime Essentials Gift Set Style: Bathtime Essentials (Baby/Babe/Infant - Little ones) de Johnson's Baby (haga click en la imagen para verla más grande)

Johnson's Bathtime Essentials Gift Set Style: Bathtime Essentials (Baby/Babe/Infant - Little ones) de Johnson's Baby

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Descripción de Johnson's Bathtime Essentials Gift Set Style: Bathtime...

En esta Web estamos felices al poder ofertar este artículo: Johnson's Bathtime Essentials Gift Set Style: Bathtime Essentials (Baby/Babe/Infant - Little ones).
Debido al asombroso coste, viene muy indicada su adquisición y es por ello, una opción normal para muchos compradores. Johnson's Baby ha incluido grandes retoques a este producto y eso conlleva una buena relación precio-calidad.

Descripción del Fabricante

Bringing home a new baby is a dream come true. The first year is a magical time, filled with that first smile, first giggle, first word and first bubble bathmemorable moments you'll want to capture forever. In and out of the bathtub, treasure those everyday moments with the complete collection of Johnson's Baby products for your baby. With Johnson's Baby, you'll be ready for some of your baby's most important firsts from the first bath to the first haircut.

Características del Producto

This product is a 7 piece gift set sold as a single unit 9 ounce Johnson's Baby Head-to-Toe Wash, 9 ounce Johnson's Baby Lotion 9 ounce Johnson's Baby Powder Soothing Aloe & Vitamin E, 7 ounce Johnson's Baby Shampoo 3 ounce Johnson's Baby Bubble Bath, 2 ounce Desitin Rapid Relief Zinc Oxide Diaper Rash Cream 55 count Johnson's Safety Swabs